ABO Blood Group

Genetically determined system of antigens: Can be devided into 4 ABO groups :A,B,AB,O

50 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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ABO blood group
Genetically determined system of antigens: Can be devided into 4 ABO groups :A,B,AB,O
Antigen-antibody reaction in which a solid antigen clumps with a solid antibody
Anti body
Produced by B cells in responce to an antigen
Bacterica or other agents that the body recognizes as foreign.
Serum contatining antibodies
Orange yellow pigment that forms from the breakdown of hemoglobin on damaged red blood cells
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
nitrogen in the blood in the form of Urea,
Sterol lipids that is widely distributed in animal tissues, cholesterol is produced in the liver and is a component of bile
Rare malignant neoplamsm
Cushings Syndrome
Hyper secretion of the adrenal cortex producing exessive glucocortaroids.
Diabetes Mellitus
Chrinis disorder charaterized by hyperglycemia and inadequate production of Insulin
Ectopic Pregnancy
Implementation of a fertalized ovum outside the uterine cavity
Enzyme Immunoassay
Measurement of reaction of antigen with specific antibody
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)
Virus that is believed to be the cause of infectious mononucleosis.
Guthrie Screening test
Also know as the newborn screening test, detects Phenylketonuria. (PKU)