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The process of gathering information about people's symptoms and the possible causes of these symptoms
A label attached to a set of symptoms that tend to occur with one another
Differential diagnosis
A determination of which of several possible disorders an individual may be suffering
The extent to which a person identifies with his or her group of origin and its culture or with the dominant, mainstream culture
Unstructured interview
An interview with a few questions that are open-ended
Structured interview
The clinician asks the respondent a series of questions about symptoms he or she is experiencing or has experienced in the past, and the clinician uses concrete criteria to score the person's answers to each question
In psychodynamic therapy, when a client finds it difficult or impossible to address certain material, the client's resistance signals an unconscious conflict, which the therapist then tries to interpret
The accuracy of a test in assessing what it is supposed to measure. the results of the test should yield the same information as an objective and accurate indicator of what the test is supposed to measure
Face validity
When the items seem to be measuring what the test is intended to measure
Content validity
The extent to which a test assess all the important aspects of a phenomenon that it purports to measure
Concurrent validity
The extent to which a test yields the same results as other measures of the same behavior, thoughts, or feelings
Predictive validity
Test predicts the behavior it is supposed to measure
Construct validity
The extent to which the test measures what it is supposed to measure, not something else altogether
An indicator of the consistency of a test in measuring what it is supposed to measure
Test-retest reliability
An index of how consistent the results of a test are over time