Abeka History of Our United States 4th Grade Chapter 3-4

Abeka 4th grade history chapters 3-4.

50 cards   |   Total Attempts: 218

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Why did Columbus name the Native Americans Indians?
Because he thought he was in India.
What is a tepee?
Tents made by stretching animal skins over poles.
What made the biggest change of all in the Indians lives?
When they heard about the one true God.
Who was the missionary that translated the Bible into the language of the Massachusetts Indians?
John Eliot
A missionary who taught the Indians the Bible and was known as the Indians friend was?
Roger Williams
A missionary who died at the age of 29 trying to teach the Indians about Christ was?
David Brainerd
One of the most famous English preachers that came to America in 1735 and preached to the Indians was?
John Wesley
California's tall sequoia trees are named after who?
A famous Cherokee Indian.
Who was the Cherokee Indian from NC that became famous for creating the only known Indian alphabet of that time?
What was the Cherokee alphabet called?
Who was the great grandson of an Indian chief that was considered the greatest athlete of the century?
Jim Thorpe
When settlers came to the New World did all the Native Americans there live in tepees?
No. They had many different types of homes. Some homes where holes in the side of cliffs or hills. Some were houses made of mud called pueblos and some where made of sticks and straw called lodges.
What is a wilderness?
A wild and empty land that has not been settled.
What was Sir Walter Raleigh's colony in America called?
What was the name given to England's land in America?