Government of Commercial Pilot License Prepare Untitled Flashcard

Prepare for the Commercial Pilot License in a brief manner with these flashcards and revise the concepts related to it. Learn the important terms, definitions, and much more briefly with these quiz based flashcards quizzes. Be prepared for the Commercial Pilot License and master this topic with ease and fun by attempting Flashcards quizzes.

52 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Personal items required to act as PIC
Certificate, Medical, Photo ID
When is a Commercial Pilot Req'd to hold a type rating
Weight > 12,500lbs
Engine is a turbo-jet
Aircraft specified by the Administrator requiring a type rating
Category of Aircraft (definition)
Airplane, Rotorcraft, Glider, Ballon
Class of Aircraft (definition)
Single Engine (Land & Sea)
Multi-Engine (Land & Sea)
Type of Aircraft (definition)
Model or name as specified by the manufacturer
Can a Commerical Pilot with a multi-engine rating exercise the privileges of a Commercial Pilot in a single engine aircraft
When can "Night Flight Time" be logged
Between the end of Evening Civil Twilight and Morning Civil Twilight
Commercial Pilot currency req's
Within the past 90 days
-3 TO and Landings as the sole manipulator of the controls
-3 TO and Landings to a FULL STOP as the sole manipulator of the controls
Minimum Medical Cerftificate required for Commercial Pilot Privileges
2nd Class Medical
Required aircraft documents to be on-board
Airworthiness Certificate
Operating Limitations
Weight & Balance
How can a pilot determine if the aircraft's transponder is Mode C equipped
By referencing the aircraft's Weight & Balance sheet
What are the two operational categories of an aircraft
-Normal (able to sustain <3.8G's)
-Utility (able to sustain <4.4G's, spins permitted)
Minimum Req'd Equipment for day VFR
-Tach, Oil Press, Magnetic Compass, Altimeter, Temp Gauge (Liquid Cooled Only), Oil Temp, Fuel Gauge, Landing Gear Indicator, Airspeed Indicator, Manifold Press, ELT, Seat Belts
Minimum Req'd Equipment for night VFR
Collision/Position Lights, Landing Light (for hire only), Spare Fuses
Who is responible for airworthiness of aircraft