Shelly Cashman Java Complete Chapter 1

Vocabulary and terms from Shelly Cashman's Comprehensive Java Chapter 1

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Allow programmers to write instructions using English like commands and words, must be interpreted by machine to run.
High-Level language
Allow programmers to write instructions using numeric codes and memory addresses.
Low-level languages
Programming approach where data and code that operates on data are packaged in a singlue unit called an 'object'
Object-oriented Programming (oop)
Approach to program design that identifies how objects must interact with each other in order to solve problems
Object-Oriented Design (OOD)
Term to indicate that a program can be run on a variety of platforms
Portable or platform-independent
Type of application that uses a command line interface to support character output
Type of application that uses a graphical user interface for user input and program output
A small program which can be dowloaded and executed as part of a displayed web page. refered to as client-side
A java pogram that is hosted and run on a web server rather than launched from a browser
A program that receives a request for information from another program over the web and returns dtat tot he requesting program
Web service
A reusable java program that can be used by any application understanding it's format
Program Development cycle step to precisely define the problem to be solved, verify requirements, and write specifications
Analyze the requirements
Program Dev. cycle step to provide detailed logical plan of program including psuedocode, flowcharts, and diagrams
Design the solution
Program Dev. cycle step to check the solution design with test data and confirm with user that it is satisfactory
Validate the design
Program Dev. cycle step to design the application an IDE and other programming tools
Implement the Design