Front | Back |
Numerator |
The number that appears on the top of a fraction |
Denominator |
The number that appears on the bottom of a fraction |
Repeating Decimal |
A decimal whose digits repeat in groups of one or more |
Terminating Decimal |
A repeating decimal which has a repeating number of 0 |
Bar Notation |
In repeating decimals, the line or bar placed over the digits that repeat |
Rational Number |
The set of numbers that can be written in the form a/b, where a and b are integers and b = 0. |
Integer |
A number with no fractional part. Positive or negative number and includes 0. |
Whole Number |
A number with no negatives or fractional parts. Only positive numbers including 0.
Common Denominator |
A common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions. |
Least Common Denominator |
The least common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions. You can use the LCD to compare fractions. |
Like Fractions |
Fractions that have the same denominators. |
Unlike Fractions |
Fractions that have different denominators. |
Operationsperationso |
A mathematical process which the most common are add, subtract, multiply, and divide. |
Product |
The answer when two or more numbers are multiplied together. |
Quotient |
The answer after you divide one number by another number. |