544 Heart Sounds

544 Heart Sounds

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Period of ventricular contraction
Period of ventricular relaxation
First heart sound, closure of the AV valves (mitral/bicuspid and tricuspid valves)
Second heart sound, closures of the semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonary valves)
Third heart sound, blood oscillating betwene wall and ventricles or tensing of chordae tendinae
Fourth heart sound, blood rushing against stiff ventricles
Cardiac Auscultation (4)
Mitral valve, tricuspid valve, pulmonic valve, aortic valve
Where do you auscultate for the mitral valve
Left, midclavicular, 5th intercostal space
Where do you auscultate for the tricuspid valve
Left, lower sternal border, 4/5th intercostal space
Where do you auscultate for the pulmonic valve
Left, sternal border, 2/3rd intercostal space
Where do you auscultate for the aortic valve
Right, sternal border, 2nd intercostal space
Which side of the stethoscope is for high pitched sounds
Which side of the stethoscope is for low pitched sounds
Which heart sounds are heard with the diaphragm
S1 and S2
Which heart sounds are heard with the bell
S3 and S4