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How much people have a mental illness in north america
Research suggests that __ of people are actually getting treatment
A psychological dysfunction within an individual associated with distress or impairment in functioning and a response that is not typical of culturally
Psychological disorder or abnormal behaviour
Breadown in cognitive, emotional, or behavioural functioning
Psychological dysfunction
Difficulty performing appropriate and expected roles
Distress or impairment
Where is impairment set
In the cortex of a person's background
Reaction is outside cultural norms
Atypical or unexpected cultural responses
3 ways to define abnormal behaviour
- psychological dysfunction - distress or impairment- atypical or unexpected cultural responses
Widely accepted system for classifying psychological problems and disorders
The diagnostic and statistical manual (DSM-IV)
DSM contains diagnostic criteria for behaviours that... x 4
- fit a pattern- cause a dysfunction of subjective distress - are present for specified duration - and for behaviors that are not otherwise explainable
Clinical and counseling psychologists
Clinical and counselling "doctors of psychology" (No Psy.D. programs current exist in canada)
In Canada, regulation of the profession is under the ...
Jurisdiction of the provinces and territories
Psychiatric and non-psychiatric social workers