2-1 Measuring Economic Activity

Chapter 2

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Gross Domestic Product
The total dollar value of all final goods and services produced in a country during one year
GDP per capita
Output per person (calculated by dividing GDP by the total population)
Unemployment rate
The portion of people in the labor force who are not working, but willing to work and unable to find a job
The production output in relation to a unit of input, such as a worker
Personal income
Refers to salaries and wages as well as investment income and government payments to individuals
Retail sales
The sales of durable and nondurable goods bought by consumers
Business cycle
Movement of the economy fro one condition to another and back again
A period in which most people who want to work are working, businesses produce goods and services in record numbers, wages are good, and the rate of GDP growth increases
A period in which demand begins to decrease, businesses lower production, unemployment begins to rise, and GDP growth slows for two or more quarters of the calendar year
A phase marked by a prolonged period of high unemployment, weak consumer sales, and business failures
The phase in which unemployment begins to decrease, demand for goods and services increases, and GDP begins to rise again
An increase in the general level of prices
Price index
A number that compares prices in one year with some earlier base year
Consumer price index (one of the most watched measuresof inflation)