AICP Exam Planning Theory Flashcards

Learn, study, and revise for the terms and definitions used in the AICP Planning theory Exam with the Flashcards quizzes. Learn key terms, words, definitions, and much more about the AICP Planning theory Exam with our flashcard quizzes. Attempt these simple quizzes with ease and grow.

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Synoptic Rationality (Rational Comprehensive Approach)
Uses conceptual or mathematical models to relate the ends to the means. 4 parts - goal setting identification of policy alts, evaluation of means against ends, implementation of preferred alts
Incremental Planning
Is a mix of intuition, experience, rules of thumbs, & various techs combined with an endless series of consultations to produce results. known as "the Science of Muddling Through"
Transactive Planning
Relies on experience of people to examine policy issues, consists less of field surverys and data analysis and more on interpersonal dialogue and a process of mutual learning
Advocacy Planning
Movement grew up in the 1960s, usually applied to defending the interest of weak or poor represented groups, closely associated with Paul Davidoff, Saul Alinksky and Alan Altshuler
Radical Planning
Is an ambiguous tradition, associated with spontaneous activism guided by an idealstic vision or personal self reliance . Consists of collective actions that can achieve concrete results
Seeks to fire the public's imagination by proposing sweeping new approaches, goals are clearly and powerfully states, usually by a single person recognized as visinoary.
Planning activity for which method to be employed in clear but the ends to achieved are largely undefined or unknown, usually the method employed become and end itself
Arnstein's "Ladder of Participation"
Arnstein theory divides public part in policymaking / planning into three major levels - non-participation, tokenism, citizen power