1st Trimester

Study for 1st trimester test

116 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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When does the SECONDARY yolk sac detach from the yolk stalk?
Approx 6-8 wks gestation
What does the corpus luteum secrete?
Progesterone and some estrogen
What is the most accurate measurement of the embryo in the first trimester?
Crown-rump length
MSD for yolk sac
10 - 20 mm
MSD for embryo
18 - 25 mm
What is the interface that creates the "double decidual sac sign"?
Decidua capsularis and endometrium
From what point is the embryologic age calculated?
From conception
When is the PRIMARY yolk sac pinched off?
3 wks menstrual age
Which cells secrete hCG?
Trophoblastic cells
From what point is the menstrual age calculated?
First day of the last normal period
What is another name for menstrual age?
Gestational age
When the fetal pole reaches ____mm, you should see cardiac activity transabd.
On which menstrual day is a mature ovum released?
Day 14
When and where does fertilization occur?
1-2 days after ovulation; ampulla of fallopian tube
After ovulation, the follicle collapses to form the ... ?
Corpus luteum