1981 Springbok Rugby Tour of New Zealand

Flash cards to revise causes and consequences arising from the Springbok Tour of New Zealand.

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What was the historical rugby relationship between New Zealand and South Africa?
New Zealand and South Africa began playing rugby in the 1880s. There was always potential racial tension but it worsened with Apartheid in 1948
What issue became the focus of protest here in 1960 regarding touring South Africa?
Two years before the scheduled tour of South Africa in 1960 the N.Z. Rugby Union began selecting a whites only All Black rugby team. 156,000 New Zealanders petitioned
What action did the United Nations take against South Africa in 1968?
The United Nations called for sporting boycotts of South Africa in 1968, 1970 and 1971.
What status did the South African government give to Maori members of the visiting 1970 All Black team?
When the All Blacks toured S.A. in 1970, the term “honorary whites” was given to 4 Maori/Polynesian players to enable them to tour under South African law.
Why did some people see the 1970 tour to South Africa as the last straw?
Some people believed that the All Blacks touring as honorary whites was hypocritical and unacceptable.
What was HART?
HART stands for Halt All Racist Tours. It was founded in 1968 by Trevor Richards, Tom Newnham and John Minto.
Who or what was a KEEPOOS?
Activist Tim Shadbolt referred to people who wanted to keep politics out of sport as KEEPOOS.
Why did Norman Kirk cancel the proposed Springbok tour to New Zealand in 1973
Prime Minister Norman Kirk cancelled the 1973 Springbok tour because of the threat of violence and the impact on N.Z. hosting the Commonwealth Games
How did New Zealand's tour of South Africa in 1976 gain international attention?
When the All Blacks toured South Africa in 1976, NZ was seen as supporting apartheid so over 25 African nations decided to boycott the Montreal Olympics because N.Z. was there.
What was the aim of the
Gleneagles Agreement?
The Gleneagles Agreement, made by Commonwealth Heads of Government tried to condemn apartheid but left countries to take their own approach.
In your opinion, did the Muldoon government act in accordance with the Gleneagles Agreement in 1981?
Prime Minister Muldoon, always claimed that he was upholding Gleneagles and he would not interfere in sport. Others disagreed and thought the government should have stopped rugby tours.
Why did the Muldoon government not stop the Springbok tour in 1981?
The National government of Robert Muldoon, was elected on an election promise not to interfere in sport.
Why did support for the tour appear to be strongest in provincial centres?
Support for the tour seemed strongest in provincial centres because rugby was more central to the community.
What specific actions did the police take to ensure the tour could proceed?
The police tried to prepare for demonstrations and protests by training two riot squads
What are the estimates of
How much “Operation Rugby”
cost the taxpayers of New
The NZ police estimated the cost of keeping law and order during the 81 tour at $15m.