180 42 Midterm 1 Chapter 4


9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What are the benefits to multithreaded programming?
Responsiveness, resource sharing, economy, utilization of multiprocessor architecture.
What multithreading's economy benefits?
Creating a thread is less resource intensive as creating a new process.
What is the many-to-one model?
It is where many user threads maps to one kernel thread. only one user thread runs at a time.
What is the many-to-many model?
Many user threads are mapped to many kernel threads.
What is the two-level model?
It is an OS using both many-to-many and one-to-one model.
What happens when a multithreaded program uses fork() and exec() that creates a new process?
It depends on parameters used in exec(), when exec() is used and what parameter is in exec().
What is a lightweight process?
It is placed between a user thread and a kernel thread. it is dislike a process where it shares most infromation with other process. it is unlike a thread that it has its own identifier and parenthood relationship. To the user thread, LWP is a virtual processor.
What is schedular acitivation?
It is where the kernel thread creates an application with a number of LWPs and the application can schedule user threads to the virtual processor.
What is the upcall and upcall handler.
It is the kernel thread's way of sending what's going to happen up to the application and to the user thread.