• Study anytime, anywhere.
  • Memorize words & lists.
  • Facebook, Twitter, iPad, Mobile.

Create online flashcards with our ready to use templates.

ExampleJapanese Language

Memorize, study and test yourself with flashcards

Create flashcards to same time on revisions
 Create a flashcard

ProProfs offer you the most easy way to create your own flashcards. Whether you are preparing for a SAT exam or revising for an interview. You can use flashcards to memorize and revise the key details.

  • Create your own flashcards from scratch.
  • Choose your font and highlight the important stuff.
  • Use audio option to listen and memorize.

Use flascards in 4+ ways to retain

Create flashcards and use different methods to test yourself


Write your questions and answers on either side of the card and use it to answer questions without flipping it to look for answers. You can also keep a score of how many you got right and wrong.



You can create a multiple choice quiz out of your flashcard content. This will help you remember and test your learning ability.


This is another great way to memorize and test your learning skills. The content of both side of flashcards would be scattered in a box and you need to match the correct ones. It is also calculates the time you took which makes it even more fun.


Help your friends & colleagues

Share flashcards on social media with a single click
 Share a flashcard

You can share flashcards easily with your friends and family on the most popular social media channels.

  • Invite friends to flashcards.
  • Select card range or shuffle.
  • Download or print flashcards.

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