Physical Properties

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Boiling point of water
100 degrees Celsius

the amount of mass (or matter) compacted into a certain volume

has a specific volume and shape and the particles are held tightly together

Freezing point of Water
0 degrees Celsius

has specific volume but not a specific shape

instrument for measuring temperature

has no specific volume or shape and the particles move freely

Balance Scale
the instrument for measuring mass

a combination of two or more substances

attracts iron or stel and can be used to separate a mixture of sand and iron filings

a mixture of two or more substances that are evenly distributed

any material that stops or slows the movement of electricity or heat

to completely mix together

any material that easily allows heat or electricity to move through it

Physical Property
a characteristic that can be measured or observed without changing the substance

a tool used to separate smaller particles from larger particles, such as separating sand and water
Mass the amount of matter in an object measured in grams

Chemical Change
when two substances join and a new substance is created (ex. mixing baking soda with water)

Physical Change
the substance changes size or shape, but is still the same object

the ability or tendency to float in water or air or some other fluid

Signs of Physical Change
Change in size, shape, or state of matter (liquid to solid, solid to liquid, liquid to gas)

Signs of Chemical Change
bubbles, heat given off, light given off, new substance formed, color change