MCAT Organic Chemistry 2012

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Nam this substituent

Name this substituent

Name this substituent

Name this substituent

Name this substituent

Which organic molecules have this formula?
NOMENCLATURE (Alkanes)1. Find the longest chain.2. Number the chain.3. Name subtituents4. Prefixes such as di, tri, tert, sec..etc are ignored in alphabetizing; cyclo, iso and neo are included in alphabetization. Review

Which organic molecules have this formula?

Nomenclature (Alkenes)
In naming alkenes, the double bond receives the lowest possible number; note any isomers cis/trans and Z/E.
Multiple double bonds must be names using prefixes di-, tri-, etc.

Nomenclature (Alkenes)CH2 groups are referred to as methylene
Methylene cyclohexane

Nomenclature (Alkenes)Monosubstituted ethylenes (2 carbons) are referred to as vinyl groups.

Nomenclature (Alkenes)Allyl groups are propylene's substituted at the C-3 position.
allyl chloride

Which organic molecules have this formula?

NomenclatureSubstituted Alkanes: Haloalkanes
Haloalkanes are compounds that contain a halogen substituent. These compounds may be named as alkyl halides. ex: ethyl (2 carbons) chloride
Substituted Alkanes: AlcoholsAlcohols are named by replacing the -e of the corresponding alkane with -ol. Priority is given to the carbon with the -OH group.
Molecules with two hydroxyl groups are termed diols or ____ and have the suffix -diol. When two hydroxyl groups are on adjacent carbons the groups are called _____; when they are on the same carbon they are called ____.
Geminal diols are called _____ and are less common than vicinal diols due to their tendency to spontaneously lose water to produce a C=O compound.
glycols; vicinal; geminal

What type of compound is this?
Alkyl halide

What type of compound is this?

What type of compound is this?
Glycol or diol

Geminal or vicinal?

Geminal or vicinal?

NomenclatureSubstituted Alkanes: Ethers1. Larger alkyl group is the backbone2. Smaller alkyl group has oxy attached to it Ex: alkoxy alkane3. 3 member cyclic ethers are called ____.*IUPA suffix is ether
Methoxyethane (image)

1. Longest chain containing aldehyde functional group
2. The suffix ____ replaces the -e on the corresponding
Ex: Alkanal
3. The ____ carbon receives the number 1 since by definition an aldeyhde group is terminal.
*IUPAC prefix is oxo-RCOH

1. The carbonyl group in a ketone should receive the lowest possible number (if there is no other priority group)
2. Suffix is is _____.
Ex: Alkanone
IUPAC prefix is oxo (like aldehyde)

NomenclatureCarboxylic Acids
1. Like aldehydes carboxyl groups are ____ groups and are numbered one.
2. The suffix ____ acid replaces the -e on the corresponding alkane.
Ex: Alkanoic Acid*IUPAC prefix is "carboxy"

1. The backbone is the longest chain containing _____.
2. The suffix ____ replaces the -e in the corresponding alkane.
Ex: Alkanamine

*When additional alkyl groups are attached to the nitrogen use the prefix "N"

suffix is "-oate"

IsomersIsomers are chemical compounds that have the same ____ formula but different structure. This can be a difference in atomic _____, 3-D orientation, and ____ orientation.
Structural IsomersStructural/ constitutional isomers are compounds that only share their molecular _____. Their atomic connectivity is different, thus they have different _____ and chemical properties.

IsomersSteroisomerismStereoisomers are compounds that differ from each other only in the way that their atoms are oriented in space.
Geometric isomers; enantiomers, diastereomers and meso compounds; and conformational isomers all fall under this heading.


IsomersStereoisomerism--Differ in atomic orientationGeometric Isomers Geometric Isomers (Diasteromers) are configurational compounds that differ in the ____of substituents on the double bond------cis/trans isomers.
Z= same (cis) E = opposite (trans)

IsomersStereoisomerismChirality Chiral = Not superimposable; Achiral = superimposable (identical to mirror image)

An enantiomer is a chral and _________ molecule. An asymetric carbon is a carbon atom with 4 _____ substituents. (chirality)
IsomersStereoisomersChiralityTo Find the Absolute Configuration:

1. Assign priority: Priority is given to the molecule with the _____ atomic #.
2. Orient the molecule with the lowest priority molecule positioned ____ the page.
3. Determine the order of substituents (highest to lowest): Clockwise is ____ and counterclockwise is _____.
R; S

IsomersStereoisomersChirality: Fischer ProjectionsA Fischer projection represents a 3-D molecule in 2-D (planar). Horizontal lines = ____ of the page and vertical lines = _____ the page.

The mirror image of a fischer projection can be obtained by _____ one pair of substituents or by rotating the molecule 90 degrees.

Determining R/S configuration for Fischer Projections:
1. When the lowest priority group is positioned vertically, simply move in the direction from lowest to highest priority group. Clockwise= R and Counterclockwise = S.
2. When the lowest priority group is positioned horizontally, determine R/S as normal, and the true designation will be opposite of that.
out of; behind (into)

IsomersStereoisomerismOptical ActivityEnantiomers have all the same chemical and physical properties except for _____ activity.

A molecule is considered optically active if it can _____ plane polarized light.

An optically active compound will rotate the plane of a light by _____. The enantiomer of this compound will rotate this plane by the same amount but in the _____ direction.

Rotation to the right is _____ (dextrorotatory) and rotation to the left is _____ (levorotatory). This is determined experimentally!

The amount of rotation is dependent upon the number of _____ that a light wave encounters. The number of molecules a light wave encounters is dependent upon the _____ of the optically active compound and the length of tube through which the light passes.

Specific rotation = _________observed rotation
concentration (g/mL) x length (dm)
A racemic mixture is a mixture of _____ concentrations of (+) and (-). enantiomers; these rotations _____ each other out.


alpha; opposite

positive; negative

molecules; concentration;

equal; cancel
EnantiomersStereoisomersOther Chiral Compoundsn chiral centers have 2n stereoisomers and 2n-2 diastereomers.

Enantiomers: opposite R/S designations
ex: R, R and S, S
Diasteriomers: only one opposite R/S designation.ex: R, R and S, R-----have different physical/chemical properties

Ex: Enantiomer: R, R and S, S Diasteriomer: R, R and S, R

Meso CompoundsA molecule with a chiral/asymmetric carbon and a line of symmetry is called a mess compound and is not _____ active.


IsomersConformational IsomerismThe anti isomer has the lowest energy (most stable) and the totally eclipsed configuration has the highest energy

IsomersConformational IsomersCyclohexaneOn the chair conformation, Perpendicular substituents are called _____ and parallel substituents are called _____. Large/bulky groups prefer the _____ position because this avoids steric repulsion.
axial; equatorial;

IsomersConformational IsomersTypes of strain:
1. Angle strain is caused when bond angles deviate from their _____ value.
2. Torsional strain is caused when cyclic molecules assume _____ conformations.
3. Non-bonded strain is caused when atoms/groups _____ for the same space.
* To avoid strain cyclic molecules adopt nonplanar conformations such as the boat and chair (most stable).
NomenclatureFunctional Groups
Carboxylic Acid>Anhydride>Esters>Acyl Halide> Amide> Nitrile> Aldehyde> Ketone> Alcohols>Thiols>Amines> Ethers>Sulfides>Alkenes> Alkynes>Alkyl halides>Nitri>Alkanes

What functional group is this?

What functional group is this?

What functional group is this?

What functional group is this?