L6: The Roman Republic

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Pont Du Gard (Nîmes, France)

Pont Du Gard (Nîmes, France)

Pont Du Gard (Nîmes, France)

Pont Du Gard (Nîmes, France)

Porticus Aemilius (Rome Proper)

Porticus Aemilius (Rome Proper)

Porticus Aemilius (Rome Proper)

Porticus Aemilius (Rome Proper)

Basillica (Pompeii, Italy)

Basillica (Pompeii, Italy)

Forum (Pompeii, Italy)

Forum (Pompeii, Italy)

Forum (Pompeii, Italy)

Forum (Pompeii, Italy)

Hypocaust heating

Hypocaust heating

Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii, Italy

Priene, Turkey

Priene, Turkey

Roman Castrum

Roman Castrum

Stabian Baths (Pompeii, Italy)

Stabian Baths (Pompeii, Italy)

Stabian Baths (Pompeii, Italy)

Stabian Baths (Pompeii, Italy)

Temple of Jupiter (Pompeii, Italy)

Temple of Jupiter (Pompeii, Italy)

Timgad, Algeria

Timgad, Algeria

Timgad, Algeria

Timgad, Algeria

Timgad, Algeria

What type of Roman house is this?

What type of Roman house is this?

What type of Roman house is this?

House of the Vetti (Pompeii, Italy)

House of the Vetti (Pompeii, Italy)

House of the Vetti (Pompeii, Italy)

House of the Vetti (Pompeii, Italy)

House of the Vetti (Pompeii, Italy)

House of the Vetti (Pompeii, Italy)

Housing District (Pompeii, Italy)

Housing District (Pompeii, Italy)

What type of Roman house is this?

What type of Roman house is this?

What type of Roman house is this?

Maison Carrée (Nîmes, France)

Maison Carrée (Nîmes, France)

Maison Carrée (Nîmes, France)

Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus (Rome Proper)

Theater of Marcellus (Rome Proper)

Theater of Marcellus (Rome Proper)

Theater of Marcellus (Rome Proper)

Theater of Marcellus (Rome Proper)

Villa of the Mysteries (Pompeii, Italy)

Villa of the Mysteries (Pompeii, Italy)

Villa of the Mysteries (Pompeii, Italy)

Villa of the Mysteries (Pompeii, Italy)

Villa of the Mysteries (Pompeii, Italy)

Villa of the Mysteries (Pompeii, Italy)

Villa of the Mysteries (Pompeii, Italy)