World History Chapter 25

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1- Oscar Lewis
Wrote "death in the Sanchez Family"

1- Luis Echeverria
He was the leader of the nonaligned movement.

1-Javier Perez de Cuellar
Peruvian diplomat that served as secretary general of the United Nations 1982-1991

1-Jacobo Arbenz Guzman
He was part of the CIA that helped overthrow a left wing government in Guatemala
1-Growth Rate The rate of which a population expands
1-Campesinos Poor farmers
1-Latifundistas section 1
1-Pelados section 1
1-Day Laborers section 1
1-Cursillo City and mountain people coming together to talk about the liberation
1-Shantytowns Underdeveloped towns with no electric, running water, or sanitary facilities
1-Elite The small wealthy class of Latin America
1-Free Trade Elimination of trade barriers among countries
1-Liberation Theology Emphasizing the role of christianity in liberating people from oppression
1-Alliance for Progress Launched by President John F. Kennedy to assist Latin America in fighting Communism
1-NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
1-Mercosur The southern common market
1-Caricom The caribbean community and common market
1-Central American Common Market A pact created for economic purposes
1-Andean Pact Another pact used for economic aid

10% of the population recieved great wealth in the 1980's

2-Carlos Salinas de Gortari
Mexican President who promised broad reforms

2-Emiliano Zapata
Revolutionary that demanded government aid for the poor

2-Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon
The new PRI Canidate
2-Fulgencio Batista Cuban dictator 1952-1959

2-Fidel Castro
Young lawyer who began a guerilla movement against Batista

2-Francois Duvalier
Dictator of Haiti 1957-1971

2-Jean-Claude Duvalier
Overthrew his father , Francois, in 1986

2-Jean Bertrand Aristide
Popular reform minded priest

2-Rene Preval
President of Haiti from 1996-2001
2- PRI Mexican political party
2-Standard of Living Overall wealth of its people
2-Privatization A shift to private ownership of buisnesses
2-NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
2-Zapatistas Mexican revolutionaries led by Emilian Zapata
2-PAN National Action Party of Mexico
2-PRD Democratic Revolutionary Party of Mexico
2-Long March Section 2
2-Kruschev Soviet Leader
2-CIA Central Intelligence Agency
2-Cuban Missile Crisis Installation of nuclear missiles toward USA by Cuba
2-Petroleum Played a big role in Mexico's trade
2-Ballet Folklorico Enhances the cultural life of Mexico City
2-Bay Of Pigs Location of 1500 anti-Castro exiles revolt (CIA trained)
2-Hispaniola Domincian Republic and Haiti

2-Dominican Republic
Spanish speaking country Eastern 2/3 of Hispaniola

French speaking country Western 1/3 of Hispaniola
2-Mexico Most stable Latin American country after WWII
2- Mexico City One of the worlds most rapidly growing cities
3-Anastasio Somoza Debayle Took over presidency of Nicaragua in 1967

3-Augustino Sandino
Led guerilla attacks on American occupation forces in Nicaragua in 1920

3-Jimmy Carter
Signed the Panama Canal Treaties

3-Oliver North
Section 3

3-John Poindexter
Section 3

3-Oscar Arias
Costa Rican President in 1990

3-Violeta Chamorro
Widow of popular news paper editor. Killed by Somoza

3-Arnoldo Aleman
Elected president Nicaragua in 1996

3-Daniel Ortega
Ran against Aleman in 1996

3-Oscar Romero
Roman Catholic archbishop that critisized the murder of innocent civilians

3-Claribel Alegria
Wrote the poem "Because I Want"

3-Joaquin Villalobos
Section 3

3-Omar Torrijos
The Panamanian president

3-Manuel Noriega
Took power of Panama in 1988. Former CIA agent. Big role in drug smuggling

3-Ernesto Perez Balladares
Became president in 1992 after Manuel Noriega was convicted of drug smuggling.

3-George Bush
President that Sent American troops into Panama in December of 1989

3-Rigoberta Menchu
Won the noble peace prize for her work on Native American rights in Guatemala in 1992
3-Somoza Dynasty Took power in 1937and remained in control of Nicaragua until 1979
3-FSLN Sandinista National Liberation Front
3-Contras People against the government
3-Boland Amendment Prohibited the US government from providing funds to the Contras
3-Iran-Contra Affair Illegal funds sent to the contras in support of anti government movement
3-NSC National Safety Council
3-La Prensa Latin American Newspaper
3-"Because I Want" Written by Claribel Alegria described the feelings of Salvadorans
3-FMLN Farabundo Marti Naitonal Liberation Fron, a coalition of leftist guerilla groups
3-Panama Canal Treaties Stated Panama would gain control of the Canal in December of 1999
3-PDF Section 3
3-Covert Secret
3-Reagan Administration Returned the Panama Canal to Panama in 1999
3-National Unity Nicaragua's attempt to unite the country
3-Death squads Bands of killers who murder there political opponents
3-Guerilla Conflicts Conflicts between political opponents.

Somoza Dynast held power for 4 decades

3-El Salvador
One of the most industrialized countries in South America

The northern most Central American country torn apart by conflict

Relatively prosperous Central American country after WWII

3-Panama Canal
Joint ownership by Panama and US

4- Juan Peron
President of Argentina from 1946-1955 and 1973-1974

4- Eva Peron
Argentine political figure ; wife of Juan peron

4-Isable Peron
President of Argentina from 1974-1976

4-Margeret Thatcher
First female Prime Minister of Britian

4-Carlos Saul Menem
President of Argentina from 1989-1999

4-Salvador Allende
Socialist ; President of Chile from 1970-1973

4-Augusto Pinochet
Military dictator of Chile from 1973-1990

4- Particio Aylwin
President of Chile from 1990-1994

4-Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle
President of Chile ; succeeded Aylwin

4- Pablo Escobar
Drug Cartel

4- Ernesto Samper
President of Columbia from 1994-1998

4-Albert Fujimori
President of Peru

4-Fernando Collor de Mello
President of Brazil from 1990-1992

4- Fernando Henrique Cardoso
President of Brazil from 1995-2003

4- Marifran Carlson
Wrote about the Argentine feminist movement
4- Descamisados Shirtless rebels
4- Dirty war 7 year campaign by the Argentine government against suspected dissidents and subversives
4-"Missing Children" A book
4- Falkland War Dispute between Great Britain and Argentina; occured after Argentine forces occupied the Falkland Islands
4- Hyperinflation Rapid increase in prices as currency loses its value.
4- Mercosur Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay combined to form a free trade area
4- La Violencia Time period between the later 1940's and the mid 1960's that had many battles between liberals and conservatives in Columbia
4- Medellin Cartel Organized cartel of drug smugglers originated in the city of Medellin in Columbia
4- Shining Path Marxist guerrilla group
4- Sendero Luminosa Shining Path; one of the most ruthless terrorist groups in the Western Hemisphere

4- Falkland Islands
Islands off the coast of Argentina known as Malvinas

4- Buenos Aires
Capital of Argentina

4- Argentina
In the 1930, it was among the 10 wealthiest countries in the world

4- Chile
Has one of the strongest traditons of democracy in Latin America

4- Columbia
Unstable country due to internal battles and drug dealers

4- Peru
Experienced both military and civilian rule after World War II

4- Lima
Largest city of Peru

4- Brazil
Economy expanded as foreign investors open steel plants and auto factories.