Can You Name Different Types of Bilateria Flatworms Flashcards

Can you name different types of bilateral flatworms? There are different types of worms in the world, and the flatworm is one of the most common ones, by taking a chance with the flashcards below you will be assured the opportunity to understand each type of worm by appearance and characteristics. Give them a try and test your memory in the quizzes once done.

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Turbellaria; planarian Dugesia body plan
Answer 1
Branching gastrovascular cavity walls of pharynx are muscular. In cross section two white circles for nerve cords
Turbellaria; planarian Dugesia feeding and structure of the Gastrovascular Cavity
Answer 2
Digestive tract consists of a mid ventral mouth, muscular pharynx and a gastrovascular cavity. Two posteriorly blind-ending branches from the pharyngeal cavity and one anteriorly blind-ending branch. When feeding the pharynx is protruded and applied to the prey (passive feeding).
Turbellaria; planarian Dugesia Excretion and Osmoregulation
Answer 3
Excretory system consists of branched network of tubules composed of flames cells (with ciliary activity) and excretory canals.
Turbellaria; planarian Dugesia Reproduction
Answer 4
Asexual reproduction (transverse fission, budding can also be seen) rarely sexual reproduction
Trematoda; Diagenea body plan
Answer 5
Parasitc flukes as adult body form like leaf Ventral and oral sucker; no dorsal hooks posterior end is blunt Running posteriorly and laterally are the two branches of the gastrovascular cavity. The majority of the tubular network in the center of the body comprises the reproductive system. absence of cilia (differs from turbellaria)
Trematoda; Diagenea feeding
Answer 6
Anterior oral sucker surronds mouth which leads to muscular pharynx and a short esophagus into two blind-ending elongate caeca
Trematoda; Diagenea Excretion and Osmoregulation
Answer 7
Protonephridial excretory system canals along the side of the body with fine network of flame cells near the ventral sucker lateral excretory trunks run posteriorly and join to form a median duct or bladder which opens ventrally via an excretory pore.
Trematoda; Diagenea Reproduction
Answer 8
Coiled uterus with many fertilized eggs are stored many exhibit a copulation canal mostly cross fertilization (but can also do self fertilization)
Trematoda; Diagenea life cycle
Answer 9
Cercomeromorpha; Monogenea body plan
Answer 10
Mostly marine ectoparasitic and flattened body. Similar to Trematoda except: Anchor at Posterior end with barbs and hooks Only one oral sucker and oral hook
Cercomeromorpha; Monogenea life cycle
Cercomeromorpha; Cestoda body plan
Answer 12
Tape worm with ribbon like form and adults are all endoparasites in the guts of vertebrates Body consists of linear series of proglottids that become progressively smaller, so the most anterior tip of the animal consists of a microscopic pointed scolex. Scolex has hooks and suckers to hold on in the gut; and also buds off proglottids containing male and female reproductive organs.
Cercomeromorpha; Cestoda feeding
No gastrovascular cavity. They have a digestive absorptive layer of skin and are completely dependent on the nutrient coming from the host organism.
Cercomeromorpha; Cestoda excretion and osmoregulation
Flame bulbs and scolex and running posterior and lateral excretory vessels
Cercomeromorpha; Cestoda reproductition
Answer 15
Hermaphrodites and with one set of both reproductive organs in the proglottid. younger proglottides are found near the scolex