Art History Slide Test 1

137 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Question 1
What is this image?
Cylinder seal of priest-king feeding sacred sheep, ca. 3300 BCE

- appears to show the feeding of a temple herd, which provides a significant portion of the temple's wealth, while the human figure's distinctive costume and hat may identify him as a priest-king
- would decorate the seals because they were crucial for food storage and keeping things fresh
Question 2
What is this image?
Babylonian deed of sale, written in cuneiform, ca. 1750 BCE

- the impressions here were made by a stylus in soft clay, people believe it may be the first work of writing
Question 3
What is this image?
Remains of the “White Temple” on its ziggurat, ca. 3500-3000 BCE Uruk, Iraq

- had an indirect approach to the altar in which the stairs and ramps led around so that the viewer could admire the technical accomplishments of the area
Question 4
What is this image?
Statues from Abu Temple, Tell Asmar, ca. 2700-2500 BCE

- seeing was a major channel of communication with gods and the sculptures may have been responding to the god's awe-inspiring nature with eyes wide open in admiration
Question 5
What is this image?
Royal Standard of Ur, ca. 2600 BCE

- contains panels of red limestone, shell, and lapuis lazuli inlay set in bitumen
- the panels all together show the king as warrior, priest, and meditator with the gods (dual aspects of kinship)
Question 6
What is this image?
Head of an Akkadian ruler, ca. 2250-2200 BCE

- statue was treated as though it were the living king himself, they gouged out the eyes, cut off the nose, etc.
- beard is like armour, stylized, and is very controlled making him seem eternal rather than in the moment
Question 7
What is this image?
Great Ziggurat of King Urnammu, Ur, ca. 2100 BCE

- used huge staircases for a dramatic ascent into the temple so that those who were able to go inside felt the importance of the building and recognized its power
Question 8
What is this image?
Stele with the Law Code of Hammurabi, ca. 1760 BCE

- king is standing while the god is seated and is receiving the rights of ruleship directly from a god which shows that he is worthy and righteous
Question 9
What is this image?
Reconstruction of the Citadel of Sargon II, Dur Sharrukin, ca. 721-705 BCE

- to reach the palace, visitors had to cross the open plazas and climb broad ramps
- the citadel revealed the privileged relationship between the king and the gods
Question 10
What is this image?
Gate of Citadel of Sargon II, with lamassu, 742-706 BCE (photo taken during excavation)

- the figures are lamassu, winged, human-headed bulls, that were made to demonstrate power to whomever entered
Question 11
What is this image?
Fugitives crossing a river, ca. 883-859 BCE

- the archer's faces are shown here as tense and concentrated, you can see this because the bowstrings are pulled behind their heads as a way to make this clear
Question 12
What is this image?
Lion hunt, ca. 645 BCE

- can't see the lion that the king is attacking but the servants are keeping one lion who is lunging at bay so that the king may finish him off
- lion is in a sense a king and they are shown fallen and beaten, displaying that the king is victorious over other equal opponents
Question 13
What is this image?
Horse, Lascaux Cave, ca. 15,000-13,000 BCE

- abstract shapes beside the horse have been interpreted as weapons, traps, insects
Question 14
What is this image?
Bear, Chauvet Cave, ca. 30,000-28,000 BCE

- is created along the contours of the wall which gives the bear a more realistic, natural form as it hunches over
Question 15
What is this image?
Lions and Bison, Chauvet Cave, ca. 30,000-28,000 BCE

- the blended lines of the bison suggests movement in the herd, perhaps a stampede