Ancient Cities Final

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What city?
Greek Iron Age 1100-600 BC
Greek Archais and Classical period 600-300 BC

What is this?
Priene- Hippodamian grid
Where is modern day Priene located?

When was it founded?
Modern day Turkey, 4th c BC

What is this?
Prostas house- Priene

What is this?
Pastas house- Olynthos

What is this?

What is this theater? Where was it located?
Theater of Dionysos, Athens
When was the Hellenistic period? (Greece) 323 to (238-31) BC

after death of Alexander the Great
Italy- Iron Age 1000-700 BC
Roman Period 509 BC to 330 AD
Mediterranean triad grapes, olives, barley/wheat
Italy- impact of colonization on local communities? transfer of material culture and technology, social change
Etruscans: between 9th and 7th c BC increase of wealth, complexity of material record

What is this?
Murlo cowboy

What is this?
Bucchero pottery

What is this?
Bucchero potteryEuboean

What is this?
Euboean skyphoi
Roman Republic 500 to 31 BC
Roman Empire 31 BC-330 AD

What is this?
The Regia (Rome)
-(the Forum Romanum)

What is this? Where is it located?
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Capitoline Hill
Rome: late 8th to 7th century -Several villages form single unit, cemeteries moved to one location
-Fortification wall on Palatine Hill
-Etruscan and inceasingly Greek influence on material culture
-Public buildings on Forum Romanum and votive deposits
-Development of Forum Boarium area
Rome- 6th century BC -Public buildings on Forum Romanun (Comitium, Curia)
-Important sancuaries (Temple for Jupiter, Vesta)
-Paving of Via Sacra
-Elite houses

What is this?
paving of Via Sacra

What is this?
elite houses along Via Sacra

What is this?
Stadium of Domitian, Campus Martius
ROME- Time Line

7th c BC
Rome develops as a city-state
Rome- TIme Line

6th- 5th c BC
political instability in all of Italy, Rome comes out as strong regional power
Rome- Time Line

4th c BC
Rome wages war on all sides in Italy
Rome- Time Line

3rd-2nd c BC
international wars

What is this?
Pons Aemilius

What is this?
Temple of Portunus

What is this?
Theatre of Pompey (55 BC)
where Caesar was assassinated
Roman society (2nd-1st c BC) result of Roman expansion and warfare
-influx of wealth
-increase of greek influence on roman art and architecture
-competition between military commanders and other important political figures

What is this?
Curia Julia (senate house, Rome, 29 BC)
Results of Roman expansion selective cruelty, system of rights and grants ('Latin Rights'), confiscation, centuriation, colonization, and perhaps acculturation (Romanization)
2 phases of Colonization 5th-3rd c BC and late 1st c BC-early 1st AD

What is this?

What is this?
Capitolium at Cosa, 2nd c BC
results of conquests by Rome loss of life, liberty, land (certain elite groups were exceptions), confiscation, centuriation, colonization, perhaps acculturation

-urbanization, changes in landscape, Romanization
survey archaeology aerial survey, architectural survey, remote sensing, fieldwalking

What is this?
Roman basilica

What is this?
Temple of Divus Julius, Rome

What is this?
Ara Pacis Augustae (9 BC)

What is this?
House of Augustus

What is this?

What is this?
House of Faun, Pompeii, 2nd c BC

What is this?
Horrea Epagathiana in Ostia
Importance of Entertainment in Roman Empire Buildings were important cultural markers
-influence of other cultures on Rome
-influence of Roman culture on provinces
Roman social system

What is this?
Roman Theater
Roman theaters... were freestanding, standardized plan, closed off, had a large stage, and were located in cities

-very different from greek theaters
What is this? Circus
Where was the Curicus Maximus built? Palatine Hill

What is this?
Colosseum (Flavian amphitheater)

What is this? Where is it?
arch of Titus, Forum Romanum

Insula of Diana, Ostia

forum of Caesar- temple of Venus Genetrix

Forum of Augustus

temple of mars ultor (forum of augustus)

What is this?
Palace of Nero, 64-68 AD

What is this?
Domus Aurea, 64-68 AD (palace of Nero)

What is this?
Palace of Domitian, 81-92 AD
Characteristics of burials in ROme outside city limits, alonside major roads, communal and individual space

What is this?
Mausoleum of Augustus
Baulks record of stratigraphy, can obscure certain features, become dangerously high

What is this?
Imperial Fora in Rome
Roman Economy in the 3rd to late 1st c BC increased agricultural production and economic prosperity in Italy
Roman Economy in late 1st c BC to 2nd c AD increased agricultural and economic prosperity in the provinces, Rome and Italy no longer producing but consuming
-presence of armies
-large urban centers
increased urbanization and building activity in provinces

What is this?

What is this?
Leptis Magna

What is this?
Arch of Septimius Severus

What is this?
Romanization integration, colonization, Roman army, economy,

What is this?
Bel Temple, Palmyra
Prostas House Priene: open courtyard (warmth, light, activity, central)

oikos- main room, usually nicest