NCEA Vases Flashcards

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What are the artistic features of this vase?
-The scene ends with two shields and both scenes portray a similar mood (hope/freedom)
-Facial features are realistic; eyes are in profile.-Foreshortening is used, eg the dead Trojan at Neoptolemus's feet.-Attention to detail, eg the intricate design on Neoptolemus' armour.
-Anchises' age is shown by a stubby beard and walking stick.-The shield of the dead Trojan is shown in perspective.-The armed Greek soldier is contrasted with the unarmed, courageous Trojan woman.

1) What shape is it?2) What is it for?3) Who painted it?4) What style is it?5) When was it made?6) How big is it?7) What inscriptions are there?
1) Volute Krater.
2) Mixing wine and water at symposiums.
3) The Berlin Painter.
4) Red Figure.
5) 500- 480 BCE.
6) 65cm.
7) Figures are named.

What is happening on this vase?
-Achilles and Memnon are fighting. We can see Achilles will win because his mother, Thetis, urges him on while Memnon's mother, Eos, watches in anguish. [side A]
-Achilles is about to kill Hector. [side B]

What are the artistic features of this vase?
-Achilles' 3/4 pose is mirrored by the back view of Memnon.-The drapery of Eos flows out, suggesting she is moving away.-The warriors are framed by their divine mothers.-Side A is symmetrical, forming a W shape.
-On side B, the interior view of the shield makes Achilles seem bulkier than Hector.
-Hector's body is curved and his shield is behind him to show he is falling backwards.
-Foreshortening is used.-The majority of the vase is black which draws attention to its elegant shape and to the figures on the neck.-Eos pulls her hair in grief, her arm is raised to Memnon.-Achilles' back leg is raised to show movement.-Apollo carries an arrow and appears to be waving goodbye to Hector, maybe to suggest both Achilles (and Hector's) fate.

1) What shape is it?2) What is it for?3) Who painted it?4) What style is it?5) When was it made?6) How big is it?7) What inscriptions are there?
1) Calyx Krater.
2) Mixing wine and water at symposiums.
3) Niobid Painter.
4) Red Figure.
5) 470 - 450 BCE.
6) 55cm.
7) None.

What is happening on this vase?
-Probably depicts Herakles' journey to the underworld to rescue Theseus or it could be the gathering of the Argonauts or the seven against Thebes [side A].-The God Apollo and his sister are killing the children of Queen Niobe because she bragged about having more children than them [side B].

What are the artistic features of this vase?
-The figures are arranged on an uneven groundline to give depth.-Foreshortening is used, eg Theseus' shield, warrior's foot.-Directed vision ties the scene together.-True profile eyes are portrayed.-Uneven ground line creates a basic landscape as does the tree on side B.-Drapery models the body underneath and softer folds/ zigzags make them more realistic.-Innovative poses, eg 'recliner' [Theseus] and friend.-Apollo and Artemis fill the centre of the composition on side B.-Apollo is slightly smaller than Artemis; maybe he is moving forward?

1) What shape is it?2) What is it for?3) Who painted it?4) What style is it?5) When was it made?6) How big is it?7) What inscriptions are there?
1) Pyxis.
2) A jewellery or cosmetics box for tombs.
3) The Penthesileia Painter.
4) White ground ware [and red figure].
5) 460 - 450 BCE.
6) 17cm.
7) Figures are unnamed but there are two "kalos" inscriptions.

What is happening on this vase?
-Paris is sitting on a rock talking to Hermes [side A]-The Goddesses are depicted.

What are the artistic features of this vase?
-The rock under Paris is the only shaded object, which shows its rugged shape.-A calm mood is conveyed through Paris' relaxed pose.-Foreshortening is used, eg Paris' leg.-Drapery does not reveal the form of the body but gives an illusion of 3D.

1) What shape is it?2) What is it for?3) Who painted it?4) What style is it?5) When was it made?6) How big is it?7) What inscriptions are there?
1) Lekythos.
2) Carrying oil and perfume at funerals.
3) The Achilles Painter.
4) White Ground Ware.
5) 450 - 440 BCE.
6) 38.4cm.
7) Kalos inscription in rectangular shape.

What is happening on this vase?
-A maid servant is giving her mistress a grey casket.

What are the artistic features of this vase?
-Stopped meander border.-Profiles are much more realistic, including eyes. Figures appear severe, godlike and removed from the human world; like the sculptures of this period.

1) What shape is it?2) What is it for?3) Who painted it?4) What style is it?5) When was it made?6) How big is it?7) What inscriptions are there?
1) Hydria.
2) Carrying water.
3) Meidias Painter / Meidias.
4) Red Figure (Mannerist)
5) 410 - 400 BCE.
6) 52cm.

What is happening on this vase?
-The abduction of the daughters of Leukippos, Phoebe and Hilaeira by Castor and Pollux from the sanctury of Aphrodite [upper frieze].-Herakles is going to take the golden apples from the garden of Hesperides (his 11th labour) [lower frieze].

What are the artistic features of this vase?
-The composition is arranged over various levels because of the shape of the Hydria.-The lack of action draws attention to the delicacy and elegancy of the figures, especially in the lower frieze.-Women's dresses are thin and reveal the form beneath.-In the mannerist fashion, women are depicted as if they live in paradise.