Directional Vocabulary (Geography)

Use for whole group or individual volunteer to practice moving/facing the cardinal and intermediate directions.

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Start facing the North wall of the classroom. Rotate 180* and where do you finish?
The South wall.
Now rotate to your right 90*. Where do you finish?
The West wall.
Facing the west wall, rotate to your left 90*. Where do you finish?
The East wall.
If you are standing with your back to the drinking fountain (on east wall) and head towards the window by the teachers desk, which direction will you be walking?
If you are standing with your back to the drinking fountain (on east wall) and head towards the window opposite the teachers desk, which direction will you be walking?
If you are standing with your back to the class computer (west wall) and head towards the door, which direction will you be walking?
What is the only intermediate direction that we did not walk towards?