A View From The Bridge Play by Arthur Miller Flashcards

A view from the bridge play by Arthur Miller is a captivating read that tells the story of how standing for what you believe in is essential, no matter the circumstances. These flashcards are designed for quotes and contexts related to the book, try and refresh your memory. The page numbers are from the Penguin Modern Classics version.

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 194

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‘… you can quicker get back a million dollars that was stole than a word that you gave away.’ (p.13)
Eddie says when giving advice to Bea and Catherine about never talking about the immigrants living with them.
‘He was as good a man as he had to be in a life that was hard and even.’ (p.15)
Alfierri describing Eddie just before the cousins arrive.
‘I knew where he was heading … I was so powerless to stop it.’ (p.38)
Alfierri foreshadowing the tragedy after Eddie's first visit to see if the law will stop Rodolpho from stealing Catherine from him.
‘I want my respect!’ (p.56)
Eddie talking to Beatrice about the way she treats him. He thinks she is disrespectful and questions his ideas and actions too much.
‘The law? All the law is not in a book.’ (p.66)
Marco to Alfierri when questioning what will happen to Eddie as a result of dobbing on Marco and Rodolpho to the Immigration Bureau.
‘You want something else, Eddie, and you can never have her!’ (p.70)
B. says to Eddie when he refuses to accept Rodolpho's request for peace between him and Marco.
‘… even as I know how wrong he was, and his death useless … I confess that something perversely pure calls to me from his memory …’ (p.72)
Alfierri in the final monologue of the play as he reflects on Eddie's behaviour.
‘Now we settle for half and I like it better.’ (p.2)
Alfierri referring to the way the Sicilians have compomised their beliefs to live in America. They are not wholly open.
'You see how uneasily they nod to me?' (p.1)
Alfierri explaining how laywers, and priests, are viewed by the inhabitants of Red Hook.
'Justice is very important here.' (p.2)
Alfierri explaining how the law was taken into the hands of the local inhabitants to ensure that justicce was done.
'... and watched it run its bloody course.' (p.1)
Alfierri foreshadows the tragedy.
'Listen, you been givin' me the willies the way you walk down the street.'
'you're walkin' wavy.' (p4)
Eddie is noticing that Catherine is growing up and comments on her walk. He does not like the attention she is getting from other men.
'The man would be honoured to lend me a place to sleep.' (p.7)
Eddie explaining why he is happy to have the cousins stay with him and B. while they get on their feet.
'...you look like a madonna, you know that? (p.10)
Catherine has just told him about the job and he is not happy. He is trying to explain his reservations to the type of people she will be working around.
'Like Vinny Bolzano, remember Vinny?' (p. 12)
Eddie relates the story of Vinny, a 14yr old boy who snitched on his uncle to the Immigration Dept. This foreshadows Eddie doing the same thing.